Need urgent help with your mental health?

If you're experiencing a mental health crisis or need urgent support, there are services designed to help you through challenging times. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression or a crisis, support is available:
  • Single Point of Access (SPA): Available 24/7, the SPA is a telephone line that offers immediate support, advice, and signposting for children and adults facing a mental health crisis. Family, carers, and professionals can also contact SPA for urgent mental health advice.
  • Crisis Assessment Services: These services provide a calm, therapeutic alternative to visiting an emergency department. Before going to the emergency room, contact your mental health team or SPA for guidance. Only attend the emergency department for physical health emergencies.
  • Non-Clinical Support: Services like The Cove, Safe Spaces, and The Circle offer additional support in a non-clinical environment, providing a safe space to talk and receive emotional support.
  • Talking Therapies: provide professional counselling for emotional support.
  • Support for Young People: For younger individuals, services such as Kooth and Best For You: provide online support, helping those aged 11-25 manage their mental health.

Find More Resources: Visit Hub of Hope and West London Wellbeing for additional mental health support in your area: or