1. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
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    Find out what support is available to help you travel to your hospital appointments.
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    Health Help Now is a new digital app to help residents and patients find the right NHS service when they need treatment in a hurry, organise and keep track of appointments and provide advice on conditions. It is the only health app you will ever need
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    Feeling unwell? Read on for advice about where you can go for help with your health during the winter months.
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    The NHS and Public Health England are well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The NHS has put measures in place to maintain the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as normal.
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    Read the latest guidance on Coronavirus (COVID-19), what to do if you are feeling unwell, and how best to protect yourself and others.
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    Coronaviruses can spread when people with the virus have close, sustained contact with people who are not infected. We should all take social distancing measures to reduce social interaction between people and help reduce the transmission of COVID-19
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    Information correct as of 1st June 2020

    As we move into the next phase of COVID-19 measures, some patients are being identified by clinicians as no longer needing to be on the clinically extremely vulnerable list.
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    From the 1st December you’ll be able to book a slot at your local A&E if you need to by calling NHS 111. Find out what is changing and what it means for you and your loved ones.
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    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it's been estimated that across the UK there are 13.5 million unpaid carers. Many people are unaware of their rights as a carer and, as a result, are not accessing the help and support they are entitled to.
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    Local Pharmacists are working with Warm Welcome Centres across Hillingdon to provide regular wellbeing sessions that support you and your local community to stay healthy and well this winter, and beyond.
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    The continuing cost of living crisis is adversely affecting people's physical and mental wellbeing, with vulnerable people and those on lower incomes hit the hardest.
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    The health and care policy landscape is constantly evolving. The language used to describe it changes with it. The King's Fund has posted a jargon buster which clarifies the concepts and terms frequently used in health and care policy.
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    From 31 October 2023, GP surgeries must give patients online access to their new health record entries. Find out what information is in your record and how to access it.
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    The NHS published their primary care recovery plan last May, and thanks to many of you sharing your feedback about your experiences, Healthwatch England has ensured it promised lots of changes.
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    A year ago the Accessible Information Standard came into force. It requires any organisation providing NHS or social care to communicate in a way that everybody can understand. Here's a reminder of what you should expect.