1. Report -

    In June 2018, the inpatient services that were being provided by East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, in The Michael Sobell Hospice, were relocated to the nearby Mount Vernon Cancer Centre.
  2. Report -

    Read our annual report, telling the story of our work in the year 2017-18
  3. Report -

    Hillingdon Hospital has pledged to make its signage more accessible to all, following recommendations made by us after we carried out a review there of how patients are able to find their way around the building.
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    Individuals and organisations have the right to express their views about the performance of Healthwatch Hillingdon and the way in which we conduct our business.
  5. Report -

    Read our report on the joint Healthwatch & North West London 'COVID-19 Vaccines – Tell us your thoughts’ survey.
  6. Report -

    Our annual report tells the story of our work from April 2020 to March 2021.