1. News -

    A new service to support people in Hillingdon during their last months of life was officially launched in Hillingdon today.
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    CQC warns of growing ‘care injustice’, with access to good care increasingly dependent on how well local systems work together.
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    Would you like to make a difference in 2020 to the services on offer in our borough? Healthwatch branches across the country are calling on more people to share their views with us.
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    Do you have lived experience of safeguarding, either personally or supporting a loved one? Would you like to have an impact on the future of safeguarding in Hillingdon? Hillingdon's Safeguarding Adults Board is looking for volunteer representatives.
  5. News -

    NHS maternity delivery plan includes steps that new mothers have told us would help to improve mental health support. Read our response.
  6. Advice and Information -

    The continuing cost of living crisis is adversely affecting people's physical and mental wellbeing, with vulnerable people and those on lower incomes hit the hardest.
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    According to NHS England in 2023, 1 in 5 children and young people had a probable mental health disorder. We would like to hear your thoughts and experiences around mental health.
  8. Advice and Information -

    The number of people being cared for in their own homes is increasing but what should you expect from home care services?
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    West Drayton and Yiewsley Dental Practice has been newly commissioned to provide dental access for patients who otherwise could not access a ground floor NHS dental service in the local area.
  10. Report -

    In 2019/20, Healthwatch Hillingdon undertook a mystery shopping review of the accessibility of dentistry services in Hillingdon, with volunteers carrying out 19 face to face visits at NHS funded dentists
  11. Report -

    Our annual report tells the story of our work from April 2019 to March 2020.
  12. Advice and Information -

    NHS General Dental Services are operating at significantly reduced capacity due to social distancing and infection prevention and control requirements in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
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    Have you signed up to our newsletter yet? If not, it is now available to download here.
  14. Report -

    Our annual report tells the story of our work from April 2021 to March 2022.
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    On the 1st July 2023, the complaints process for primary care services is changing.
  16. Report -

    Our annual report tells the story of our work from April 2022 to March 2023.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Everyone should be able to access good quality NHS dental services. Take a look at our top tips to help you get the most out of your next dental appointment.
  18. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
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    Find out what support is available to help you travel to your hospital appointments.
  20. Report -

    Read our report on the ‘patient experience’ of the decommissioning of lower back pain procedures in the borough
  21. News -

    Imperial College Health Partners have launched a new health register for people living in North West London called Discover. The initiative is a new way for you to get involved with health research in North West London.
  22. Advice and Information -

    Health Help Now is a new digital app to help residents and patients find the right NHS service when they need treatment in a hurry, organise and keep track of appointments and provide advice on conditions. It is the only health app you will ever need
  23. News -

    The NHS is looking to increase the number of appointments available for patients and provide access to GP services 8am – 8pm, 7 days per week.
  24. Report -

    Hillingdon Hospital has pledged to make its signage more accessible to all, following recommendations made by us after we carried out a review there of how patients are able to find their way around the building.
  25. Report -

    Healthwatch Hillingdon has published it’s local report on the NHS Long Term plan, as a result of the #WhatWouldYouDo campaign launched by Healthwatch England.
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    As part of the sexual and reproductive health services review initiated by Public Health Hillingdon, Young Healthwatch Hillingdon were invited to conduct a mystery shopper exercise to ensure the services meet the needs of local young people.
  27. Advice and Information -

    Feeling unwell? Read on for advice about where you can go for help with your health during the winter months.
  28. Advice and Information -

    The NHS and Public Health England are well prepared for outbreaks of new infectious diseases. The NHS has put measures in place to maintain the safety of all patients and NHS staff while also ensuring services are available to the public as normal.
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    East and North Herts (ENH) NHS Trust has confirmed the member of staff at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre has now been proven to be negative for coronavirus (COVID-19).
  30. Advice and Information -

    Read the latest guidance on Coronavirus (COVID-19), what to do if you are feeling unwell, and how best to protect yourself and others.
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    All links to our information and guidance for protecting yourself and others from Coronavirus (COVID-19).
  32. Advice and Information -

    Coronaviruses can spread when people with the virus have close, sustained contact with people who are not infected. We should all take social distancing measures to reduce social interaction between people and help reduce the transmission of COVID-19
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    Young Healthwatch Hillingdon have created this hub for local young people to provide support during this very difficult time.
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    While many operations for non-emergency surgery have been cancelled to free up hospital beds during the current Coronavirus crisis, the NHS wants to get the message out via a new campaign that it is still open for urgent treatment.
  35. Advice and Information -

    Information correct as of 1st June 2020

    As we move into the next phase of COVID-19 measures, some patients are being identified by clinicians as no longer needing to be on the clinically extremely vulnerable list.
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    Last updated 24/06/2020 -

    The Government have announced that the advice for people who are shielding because of COVID-19 will be relaxed in two phases.
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    The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has launched a new website dedicated to the plans to deliver a new hospital in Hillingdon in just five years.

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    This year, the NHS is vaccinating more people than in previous years. And it’s especially important to have the flu jab to help protect you and the people around you from serious illness, which may even lead to hospitalisation.

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    With the UK Government awaiting confirmation of COVID-19 vaccines' safety from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), we would like to know what the public's view is on receiving a potential vaccine.
  40. Advice and Information -

    From the 1st December you’ll be able to book a slot at your local A&E if you need to by calling NHS 111. Find out what is changing and what it means for you and your loved ones.